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Solutions for Success

Green Energy Economics Group, Inc., is a Vermont-based energy consultancy specializing in energy-efficiency and renewable resource portfolios investing in electricity and gas savings.


GEEG provides technical and strategic assistance as well as expert testimony on gas and electric energy-efficiency portfolio development, design, analysis, planning, and administration. We have worked in over a dozen states, two Canadian Provinces, and China and will make sure your next project is a success.


Windmills on green field

Program Design and Implementation

We assist with the design, development, and implementation of energy efficiency and renewable programs and portfolios. We have helped program administrators design and launch a portfolio of programs from the ground up and have experience in both electric gas energy efficiency program design as well as renewables and distributed energy resource planning.





Co-Founder, Partner

Francis Wyatt brings almost 30 years of technical support and analytical experience in energy efficiency to GEEG’s clients. His background in DSM program planning ranges from critiques and analysis to assistance with design and implementation. He has particular expertise in the commercial and industrial sectors, and in the development of cost-effectiveness screening and modeling. Francis co-founded the Green Energy Economics Group in 2005 with John J. Plunkett

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Theodore Love has worked with GEEG for the past 14 years. He provides assistance in the review and analysis of multiple energy efficiency and renewable projects and plans around North America. Utilizing his background in mathematics and computer science, he assists GEEG’s clients with the design and usage of tools for analyzing the economic and financial characteristics of energy efficiency projects, programs, and portfolios. He also plays a key role in the development and implementation of UGI Utilities and Philadelphia Gas Work’s portfolios of natural gas efficiency programs.

©2023 by Green Energy Economics Group, Inc.

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